Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeApps5 Must Have Android Apps for Students

5 Must Have Android Apps for Students


Smartphones have become an integral part of almost everyone’s life. Smartphones are also recently being popular among students as scientific papers and even students have reported that use of smartphones has helped improve their grades. This is quite true as the correct use of tech directly enables student to be more prepared for their class. In this article, we will talk about some useful apps for students that will probably help them achieve good grades and be updated on their studies.

5 Must Have Android Apps for Students

1) Cam Scanner:

Cam scanner is a phone PDF creator app that lets you scan and store your college notes, certificates, white board discussions and so on. It is highly recommended for students as this app lets you create PDF of your books and copies and help you keep it in an organized manner. The dashboard is fairly simple and even allows sharing of your PDF files. The smart cropping feature allows you to crop only the necessary part and also make it looks bright, sharp and clear. We suggest every user reading this post to give this app a try.

Cam Scanner
get it on google play
get it on google play

2) Pocket Physics and Pocket Mathematics:

Pocket Physics and Pocket Mathematics both are separate apps but from same developer. If you are a student of physics and mathematics and these both app might come in handy almost every time. Both this app covers the vital concepts of mathematics and physics. These education app will help you revise your knowledge, prepare for any upcoming test and also refresh the core concepts of physics and mathematics. Both these apps will provide free physics and mathematics lessons. Every topic is discussed with simple words and diagrams that will surely help you to understand each topic better.

Pocket Physics

Click here to download Pocket Physics for free.

Click here to download Pocket Mathematics for free.

3) Periodic Table:

It is always nice for students to have a periodic table inside their pockets at all times. This is when Periodic Table app comes to rescue. This app consists of over 115 elements with atomic, thermodynamic, material, electromagnetic, nuclear properties and reactivity for each element. This app shows a electron shell diagram for each element and also lets you use its molar mass calculator. This app will surely help you in your chemistry classes and also enhance your knowledge about elements. We recommend this app for every student of chemistry.

Periodic Table
get it on google play
get it on google play

4) Vocabulary Builder:

Magoosh’s Vocabulary Builder is an educational app  that lets you learn over 1000 important words while enjoying it. The Quiz feature of this app makes it fun to use and also the app lets you save your progress when logged in. This app gives you free access to all of Magoosh’s general, GRE, SAT, and TOEFL vocab quizzes. This app will surely benefit you to improve your vocabulary. Some features of this app includes audio pronunciation of each words, definitions and example sentences for each words and also  Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced vocabulary sections. This is a all time favorite app if you are looking for improving your vocabulary.

Vocabulary Builder
get it on google play
get it on google play

5) My Study Life :

My Study Life is a planner app not only for students but also teachers and lecturers to make your study life easier and fairly managed. My Study Life allows you to store your classes, homework and exams in the cloud making it available on any device, wherever you are. My Study Life integrates all areas of your academic life – see homework due and overdue for classes, classes which conflict with your exams and even add revision tasks for a specific exam – all in a free, easy to use application. You can keep track of your exam routines and other important educational dates with the help of this app. This app really eases a student life.

get it on google play
get it on google play

All of the apps mentioned above will surely help students to expand their knowledge and also be better at their studies.  If we missed any app that you think is useful for students then please let us and others know in the comments section.