There has been a spike of rumors about upcoming mobile chipsets, most notably the next Apple A17 Bionic and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Numerous leaks revealing configuration details have already surfaced. Furthermore, a recent benchmark analysis has enabled a direct comparison of the capabilities of the chipsets. According to a rumored Geekbench entry, the performance parameters of Apple’s A17 Bionic chipset, constructed on the 3nm technology, have been revealed.
Apple’s 3nm A17 Bionic Outperforms Qualcomm’s 4nm Chip
According to the insights shared by @NaveenTechWala, the Apple A17 Bionic notched up an impressive single-core score of 3269 and an even more remarkable multi-core score of 7666. In comparison, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy, which comes with a configuration of 1x Cortex-X4 and 5x Cortex-A720 cores, managed to secure 2223 in the single-core test and 6661 in the multi-core assessment. These numbers paint a clear picture: the Apple A17 exhibits a significant performance lead over the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, showcasing a substantial 47% surge in single-core performance and a noteworthy 15.1% advantage in multi-core capabilities.
The shift from a 4nm to a 3nm manufacturing node is evidently reflected in the performance gains, as highlighted by the Geekbench results. Likewise, a comparable enhancement is observed in graphics performance, as evidenced by the Apple A17 achieving an impressive score of 30669 in Geekbench’s Compute Benchmark. It improved significantly above the iPhone 14 Pro score of 23000 and the average iPhone 14 score of 15000.
However, because the source hasn’t provided a clear link to the Geekbench results, many people are unsure whether to believe it. We suggest taking this information with a pinch of doubt. Besides the benefits of the new Apple A17 Bionic made with the 3nm process, there might be a small increase in the price of the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. This could be due to the higher costs of making the chipset.
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