In our recent article, we’ve covered cyberbullying, its effects, and how to prevent the crime from more victims. Cybercrime is a global issue all around the world. In terms of Nepal, I think we all agree there are many issues in our country’s internet system as well. Now, the rising cyber crimes are an alerting issue in Nepal as well.
As per the Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Kathmandu, 91 cases were filed in the fiscal year 2013- 2014, and 221 cases in the Fiscal year 2014- 15. Later in the year, 2015-16 altogether 769 cases were reported, the amount booming in large amount.
Out of which more than 50% of the cybercrime is related to Harassment of women and 80% of the victim is female.
This is outrageous!!
From what we can see, lack of education, ignorance, entertainment, blackmailing, stalking, slander, false gossip, and not minding one’s own good business are the key factors. These factors are spreading cyber crime like fire in Nepal. Many people assume that cyber crimes are only related to hacking and blackmail. But a simple hate speech that you are about to post in someone’s comment section will make you a cyber-criminal.
So, be careful next time you direct your hate or make fun of someone, pretending to be anonymous with your fake id. Nobody cares about your bitter and bullying opinions.

Good news!!
Cyber crimes are now illegal, in all over 77 districts in Nepal. Unlike the previous period when cybercrime was illegalized only in Kathmandu, a similar change is made all over Nepal. The Electronic Transaction act passed in 2004 is considered to be the cyber law of Nepal. Violation of the law leads to fines ranging from Rs 20,000 – 2,00,000. It depends upon the severity of the crime. It also includes a jail sentence of up to 5 years, if more severe.
Attorney General Khammahadur Khati states, that cases under the Electronic Transactions Act, 2063 can now be tried by all district courts.
He also states that Act 2075, made to amend a few Nepal Acts, is going to be easier in the case of cybercrime.
“The necessary process for that has also progressed,” he said, “Based on the suggestions from the investigation officer, public prosecutor’s office, and the general public, it has been concluded that cyber crime cases should be tried in all 77 district courts as soon as possible.”
check out our article to learn more about cyberbullying:
What do you think about the current situation of cybercrimes in Nepal? And what about the recent implementation of the law all over Nepal? Will it affect the current crisis? Share your thoughts in the comment section.