Honor is set to launch its new smartphones soon, with the Honor 300 series and the Magic 7 Lite making waves ahead of their official release. Recent benchmark listings have revealed key details about the chipsets powering these upcoming models. The Honor 300 series, including the Honor 300, 300 Pro, 300 Pro+, and 300 Ultra, is expected to feature the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, while the more budget-friendly Magic 7 Lite will be powered by the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1. Below, we shall talk more about the Honor 300 series and Magic 7 lite chipsets and more.
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Honor 300 series and Magic 7 lite chipsets:
Honor 300 Series: Flagship Performance
Honor is set to launch its highly anticipated 300 series(Honor AMP-AN00) smartphones in China on December 2, 2024. The lineup will include the Honor 300, 300 Pro, 300 Pro+, and 300 Ultra models, with the Pro and Ultra variants expected to feature the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. This powerful processor is designed for high performance, making these models ideal for users seeking top-tier speed and multitasking capabilities.
A recent GeekBench listing revealed an Honor 300 series model (AMP-AN00) with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, 16GB of RAM, and Android 15, confirming its premium status.
Magic 7 Lite: Mid-Range Power
Alongside the premium 300 series, Honor is also working on the Magic 7 Lite (Honor BRP-NX1M), a more affordable model within the Magic 7 series. The Magic 7 Lite is powered by the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, a solid mid-range processor that balances price and performance. The device comes with 8GB of RAM and runs Android 14, making it a strong contender for budget-conscious users looking for good performance at a lower price point.
Benchmark Scores: Performance Comparison
Recent benchmark scores glimpse the performance differences between the Honor 300 series and Magic 7 Lite. The Honor 300 series model achieved 2133 points in the single-core test and 6655 points in the multi-core test, showcasing its flagship-level performance. In comparison, the Magic 7 Lite scored 934 points in the single-core test and 2768 points in the multi-core test, reflecting its mid-range positioning.
What to Expect from Honor’s New Launches
With the launch date fast approaching, Honor is set to offer a range of options for smartphone buyers. The Honor 300 series will cater to those seeking top performance, while the Magic 7 Lite provides a more affordable alternative with impressive features. Stay tuned as we cover these exciting new devices’ official release and further details.