New leaks suggest Huawei is all set to launch the world’s first 5nm chipset with an in-built 5G modem. While Apple has also introduced a new 5nm chipset on their latest A14 SoC but it comes with an external 5G modem. Huawei Mate 40 series will be the flagship smartphones from the company to debut with Kirin 9000 SoC while the only vanilla version of Mate 40 will come with Kirin 9000E chipset. These Huawei Mate 40 series are expected to debut in China in mid-October while it may take next year for a global launch in Europe.
We've got some exciting news for you…
The next-generation #HuaweiMate is coming soon – Stay tuned! 1/2— Huawei Mobile UK (@HuaweiMobileUK) September 15, 2020
New reports claim that Huawei initially ordered 15 million of Kirin 9000 chipset, but Huawei now has only 8.8 million of Kirin 9000 chipset. Since Huawei has only 8.8 million of Kirin 9000 chipset, it seems that Huawei will ship only 8.8 million of Huawei Mate Pro and Mate pro+ in units. These smartphones will come with faster-charging capabilities than its predecessor series.
Also, any of the Google Mobile services won’t be available in these smartphones because of US sanctions. It looks that Huawei will have a bad future because of US sanctions in smartphone production.