The OnePlus Watch 3 series is creating excitement among fans of smartwatches. Recent leaks have revealed some amazing features for this new device. It’s also said that a Pro version of this watch is going to launch alongside. These watches are set to bring advanced health-tracking options, making them even better than their predecessors. Let’s learn about the OnePlus Watch 3/ Pro Health Features and Other Specs.
Rumors of the OnePlus Watch 3 Series
Health Features
The OnePlus Watch 3 is expected to come with new health features that were missing from the OnePlus Watch 2. It will include ECG (Electrocardiogram) support, allowing users to record, store, and view heart data. This feature will also detect heart conditions like sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation.
Another exciting feature is wrist temperature monitoring, which works while you sleep. The 60-second checkup is another new addition. This scans multiple health indicators, like heart rate, blood oxygen levels, vascular elasticity, wrist temperature, and even potential sleep apnea issues, in just one minute.
Compatible App and Rest
There are also updates to the OHealth app, which will now include a “Health” tab. New features like “Health Insights” and “Health Journey” will help track long-term health trends.
The OnePlus Watch 3 Pro will reportedly come with a bigger battery compared to the standard Watch 3, offering longer usage times. Leaks suggest that the Pro version will share all the same health features as the Watch 3.
The OnePlus Watch 2 launched earlier this year for NPR 44,999. If the price for the OnePlus Watch 3 stays similar, it might be an exciting and affordable choice for smartwatch users.
This new series is expected to arrive soon, and it looks like OnePlus is making sure it has something special for everyone.
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